Kate’s Vegetarian Goulash

This vegetarian goulash is a comforting, nutritious dish featuring our delicious Scenic Rim vegetables.


500g diced pumpkin
1 head cauliflower cut into florets
200g green beans, cut into 2cm batons
200g button mushrooms, quartered
4 baby capsicums sliced
1 bunch spring onions, bulbs removed and quatered
4 carrots, peeled and cut into 3cm pieces
½ cup cream
1 cup white wine
1 tbsp rice flour
3 tsp paprika (Hungarian or smoked)
3 tbsp tomato paste
2 cups vege stock
3 bay leaves
2 large sprigs fresh oregano


In a large, heavy bottomed cassoulet pan heat a little olive oil. Saute the spring  onions, baby capsicums and mushrooms until a little coloured (about 3-5 mins).  Coat the diced pumpkin and cauliflower florets with the rice flour and  paprika. Mix together the tomato paste with the vege stock. Once the spring  onions etc are slightly coloured add the coated pumpkin/cauliflower mix and then  deglaze the pan with the white wine. Let cook for 2-3 mins. Add the vege stock  mix, bay leaves and oregano. Cook for 10 minutes until vegetables are nearly  cooked through then add the green beans for the last five minutes of cooking. In the last two minutes add the cream and stir through. Serve immediately with rice, pasta or potato mash.

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