Slow Cooked Lamb Shank + Local Carrot + Local Beans (GF, DF) 800g


Lamb shanks are the king of all lamb cuts!! Slow cooked until meltingly tender in a rich, deeply flavoured sauce.  Served with Kalfresh green beans and carrots. 

Chef Olivier Boudon, of Scenic Rim Food Co, creates weekly meals for Farm Box customers. Olivier is French-born and trained and is the executive chef at The Overflow Estate Vineyard and The Bowl Boonah. He uses local Scenic Rim ingredients to create restaurant-quality hearty homestyle meals.

Serves 2 

Ingredients - The Butcher Co lamb shank, garlic, salt, pepper, chef jus, vegetable stock, Kalfresh green beans, Kalfresh carrots.

Keep things cool by adding an ice pack to your order.
Gel Ice Pack 500g – Scenic Rim Farm Box

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