PIE MAKER INSPO: Simple, easy & delicious

Have you jumped on board the pie-maker train?  This year's hottest kitchen appliance (air-fryers are so yesterday) and perfect for winter, Kate's put together three fantastic recipes that are perfect for your pie-maker. 

It's always a great day in the office when Kate's recipe testing, let us assure you of that.  We can also attest to the tastiness of these morsels.  And your pie maker is also the perfect way to jazz up leftovers - Kate's Scenic Rim Beef Goulash for example.

1. Broccoli Bacon & Mushroom Pies


200g mushrooms, diced

1 spring onion, sliced

1 small head broccoli, florets removed

2 bacon rashers, rind removed and remainder sliced thinly

150ml chicken stock

250ml cream

30g butter

30g plain flour

1 tsp Dijon mustard

4 sheets store bought shortcrust pastry


Render the bacon rind in a heavy based saucepan.  Remove rind and add sliced bacon, spring onions and mushrooms to the pan.  Saute for 3-4 minutes until slightly browned.  Add butter and flour and stir to coat bacon mushroom mixture.  Add stock, mustard and cream and reduce heat.  Bring to a simmer and cook 5 minutes until sauce thickens.  Turn off the heat and add broccoli florets.  Leave to cool.

Preheat pie maker in accordance with appliance instructions.  Cut shortcrust pastry circles for top and bottom to fit your pie maker.  When heated, place bottom pastry circle in pie maker and add ½ cup bacon mushroom mix then place on pastry top.  Cook in pie maker for 10 minutes or until golden brown and cooked through.


2. Salami potato & sweet corn frittata


1 medium potato, peeled and diced into 1cm cubes

125g corn kernels

75g Scenic Rim 4Real feta

2 tbsp parsley chopped

100g salami sliced

6 eggs

Salt and pepper


Steam potato in a little water in the microwave for 8 minutes until tender.  Drain well and leave to cool.   In a large bowl whisk eggs together and add cooled potato, corn, crumbled feta, salami and parsley. Season with salt and pepper.

Heat pie maker according to appliance instructions.  Pour ½ cup frittata mixture into each pie cavity and cook for 15 minutes until golden and cooked through.

3. Pumpkin, Pesto & Feta Filo


50g baby spinach leaves

50g parsley

50g macadamia nuts

50g parmesan finely grated

100ml olive oil

Salt & Pepper

Combine all ingredients in a food processor and process to a textured pesto

Pie Mix

250g diced pumpkin

75g crumbled feta

50g baby spinach

6 sheets filo pastry - Kate recommends the Antoniou brand


Steam pumpkin with a little water in microwave until soft. Drain well and leave to cool.

Combine 2 tablespoons of pesto, pumpkin & baby spinach in a large bowl. 

Fold one sheet of filo into quarters & brush with melted butter.

Preheat pie-maker in accordance with appliance instructions.

Place filo quarter in pie cavity & add 1/2 cup of pumpkin mixture.

Fold over tops of filo to seal pie.

Cooker for 15 minutes until golden brown and cooked through.

Download the Recipe Card here.

Happy Cooking!  And don't forget to share your Scenic Rim Farm Box cooking adventures with us on Facebook or Instagram

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